27 maio 2013

Cintia Furtado - Seção Chicas

 Este mês quem monstra  a beleza da mulher é Cintia Furtado.

Quantos anos ? How old are you ?
25 anos - 25 years old

De onde? Where are you from?
Ribeirao Bonito-SP Brasil

Onde mora atualmente? Where are you living right now?
Sao Paulo

Solteira, casada? Single, married?
Solteira - Single

Modelo desde? Modeling since?
Desde quando tinha 15 anos - Since i was 15!

Melhor viagem que já fez? Best trip you ever made?
Nossa, vários lugares! Dificil de dizer um, cada lugar eh especial, mas Hong Kong, Dubai e Nova Iorque foram mto especiais!

Hard to say!! There were so many places! All of them were special, but Hong Kong, Dubai, and New York were the best!

Tem algum apelido ?
Ah, Furcao! Hahaha - Hurricane hahahah

Suef, Sk8, Guitarra ? Surf, Skate, Guitar?

Maior loucura que já fez ? (brincadeira, acidente, viagem, sexo ) Pode ser qualquer coisa. - Crazyest thing you ever made?

Foram varias hahaha mas eu vou contar uma ( faz tempo já ) eu estava na China, trabalhando, e ia ter uma festa boat party em Hong Kong no final de semana! Eu fiz que fiz, que convenci q agencia a convencer o cliente p mudar a data do trabalho ( detalhe, o trabalho era de bikini ), mas com a condição de nao tomar um raio de sol ( lá eles piram nas branquelas ) ! Enfim, fui, a festa foi incrível, bebi tequila, andei de jetski, dancei, feliz da vida com os meus amigos e quando me dei conta, ate o coro na minha cabeça tava roxo! Peguei uma ensolacao kkkk! Oooops :p rolou um esporro da agencia e tal, mas viva o Photoshop 😜

There were many hahah! But i'll tell one, happened a long time ago, I was working in China, there was this party in a boat in Hong Kong on the weekend. Then a talked my agency to make our client change the job date so i could go to the party, with one condition, so i would get a ted, since they love white skin there, and the job was in bikinis! Anyway I went to the party, it was amazing, i got wasted, drank tequila, ride the jet ski, danced, anyway, had a great time with all my friends, and, when i realised i was so sun burned even my hair scalp was tended! I had a insolation! hahahahha! I was in so much trouble, but, hail the photoshop!

Onde voce se ve daqui 5 anos? Where do you see yourself five years from now?
Casada, dona de casa, cuidando dos meus 2 filhos e do marido! Married, with 2 children, taking care of them!

Melhor frase? Best Saying?
You are magnificent beings, in the perfect place at the perfect time, unfolding perfectly, never getting it done, and never getting it wrong. Be more playful about all of it.
"Today, no matter where i'm going, nomatter what i am doing, and no matter who I'am doing it with - it is my dominant intent to look for that which i'm wanting to see. I'm wanting to find thoughts and words and actions that feel good while i'm finding then. For the in doing so, i am, in the moment practicing the art of allowing all that I've been telling the universe i am wanting, for all of the days of my existence"


Você vive pra comer ou come pra viver? Do you live to eat or eat to live? Vivo p comer!!! Amo todos os tipos de comido! Famosa: draga

I live to eat! I love all kinds of food!

Tu comes gamba?
Oi ? Hi hello!?

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